Are You Woke?
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Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. (1 Cor. 15:34)
Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." (Eph. 5:14)
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In recent years, the adjective "woke" and the related noun "wokeness" have entered our vocabulary as synonyms for being aware of social justice issues, coupled with a commitment to addressing them. The term began in the Black community as a watchword for "wake up!" in the face of racial injustice. It was then appropriated by leftists as a badge of honor signaling promotion of every kind of progressive looniness, from politically correct speech codes to environmental extremism to transgenderism. The scope of what is covered by being "woke" is constantly expanding, mostly to the outer fringe of the political left. (You can read the full history of the term here.)
I will save a more detailed critique of current cultural trends for another time. For the present, let's consider the concept of being "woke"--awake, aware, alert--from a spiritual perspective.
In both of these texts, Paul admonishes his readers to "awake" to a fuller appreciation of their purpose in life. Like one who is asleep or even dead, many of us do not realize the urgency of the task God has placed before us. We "do not have the knowledge of God," not that we deny His existence, but we see Him as nothing more than an abstraction, having little influence in our decision-making.
The evidence is all around us. We plunge into the daily grind of making a living, forgetting the real reason God put us here. We're furiously running in the rat race of making more money, buying more stuff, increasing our portfolios, pursuing our hobbies--oblivious to what is more important. We allow petty disputes and jealousies to poison our connections with others. Our recreation has become more essential than our relationships.
We are not bad people. We are asleep at the wheel, and that casual approach to life cannot have a good outcome.
The only "wokeness" that matters is being awake in Christ. Let His righteousness infuse your heart, soul, and mind with a new sense of responsibility--not to the latest political fads, but to a life that models His own. Study His teachings, starting with the Sermon on the Mount, and ponder His choices that led to His final sacrifice and victory. This undertaking will transform your heart and life in a way that no political movement ever could.
Get woke for Jesus, and make your life worth something meaningful.