

When Faith Grows Weak

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My spirit is overwhelmed within me; 
My heart within me is distressed. . . .
Answer me speedily, O LORD; 
My spirit fails!
(Psa. 143:4, 7)

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Even the strongest believers have episodes in their lives when their faith begins to crumble. Study the lives of Elijah, Moses, Peter, Paul, and many other Bible characters, and it is obvious that our heroes of faith were not immune to dark times that tested their souls. Discouragement, failure, loss, betrayal, or doubts took them into dark places that caused them to question God's care. 

So when we sense that something is going awry in our spiritual lives, we should not be surprised. It's now our turn to fight our own battle with unbelief. Fortunately, David--another Bible character who had his own faith struggles--wrote this Psalm especially for you. 

The first step in reclaiming our faith is to talk about the problem: "Hear my prayer, O Lord!" (v. 1). This entire Psalm is a cry to God for help in driving out the demon of despair. Disbelief, like a fungus, thrives in darkness, and the longer we refuse to talk about the problem, the bigger it grows. So pour out your anxieties to God. Your prayer does not have to be eloquent or verbose--just honest. There is no shame in confessing a weak faith.

Second, force yourself to reflect on God's role in the universe. "I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands" (v. 5). If you can recognize God's hand in all the grandeur and orderliness of the creation around you, can you not also see His power to manage the little troubles that weigh down your life? A small faith is evidence of a small God; so think big. 

Finally, seek the Lord's counsel in His word. "Cause me to know the way in which I should walk. . . . Teach me to do Your will" (v. 8, 10). The Bible is a magnificent volume of wisdom that can calm the troubled soul and soothe the anxious mind--but only if we read it. Dedicate time to read the Psalms, or the Sermon on the Mount, or Paul's ode to joy in Philippians. These compositions are chicken soup for the soul, nourishment that can heal a distressed heart.
A weak faith can be repaired, but it takes effort. God has given us resources to get us back on the right track. And our faith will be even stronger for having survived the experience.
