Be Ready!
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"Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." (Matt. 24:44)
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Scholars have long debated the subject of Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 24. Is He foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, or His Second Coming at the end of time? Or is He describing both events? If so, where does one topic end and the other begin? Or are both events interlaced throughout the chapter?
However we interpret the chapter, it's His follow-up warnings that should catch our attention. The basic message through the remainder of chapter 24 and into chapter 25 is simple: Judgment is coming! A day is approaching when all the stupid things we've done in our past will catch up with us; a day when we'll have to stand before God to hear our final destination pronounced.
Jesus employs a series of metaphors or parables to press that point:
- The parable of the thief entering at night (24:43-44)
- The parable of the foolish servant (24:45-51)
- The parable of the wise and foolish virgins (25:1-13)
- The parable of the talents (25:14-30)
- The parable of the sheep and goats (25:31-46)
Each of these parables has a distinct message that deserves to be studied on its own. But there is a single overarching theme that runs through all of them: We must live our lives every day so that we will be ready when the end comes.
That sounds like an obvious fact; but is it? How often do we allow the distractions and interruptions of this world to divert our attention away from the end that we know is coming? In these little stories, Jesus reminds us of how easy it is to lose sight of what's coming:
- Like the relaxed homeowner sleeping through the night, we are unprepared for the thief's break-in.
- Like the foolish servant, we spend our time eating, drinking, amusing ourselves, and doing a sloppy job of attending to our Master's work--and are shocked when He shows up.
- Like the foolish virgins who never bothered to bring extra oil for their lamps, we put off doing what we know needs to be done--until it's too late.
- Like the one-talent man, we offer excuses why we can't do this or that for the Lord, and end up accomplishing nothing.
- Like the goats at the final culling, we have been so busy with our personal affairs that we are clueless about the more important work the Lord wants us to do--and are surprised at the end when He has to spell it out for us.
These final words of Jesus before His execution ought to stir us out of our lethargy. He is coming back. When He returns, He will expect us to have something to show for the time He has given us.
Judgment is coming. Are YOU ready for it?