Our Beliefs
Most churches define their beliefs by pointing to one or another of the many creeds, or statements of faith, that are common in Christianity. The Pleasant Valley Church of Christ does not subscribe to any of these creeds. Our only "statement of faith" is the Bible, undiluted by human wisdom.
Every human creed was written in an effort to clarify what a specific group of believers believed the Bible to teach. In most cases, the creed becomes a test of fellowship, a standard to which all prospective members must submit in order to be accepted. By their very nature, creeds contain either more than, or less than, the revelation of God found in the Bible. So the practical result of this process has been division, as groups splinter into smaller and smaller sub-groups, with each new division chiseled into the stone of another man-made creed.
We reject creeds as inherently divisive and destructive. We recognize that people will not always see the Bible alike, but we are convinced that the best hope of achieving some degree of unity lies in letting the Bible speak for itself in all we say and do. If the Bible is silent on a subject, we do not make it a test of fellowship. If the sum of Bible teaching on a subject clearly points to an obvious conclusion, we accept it without reservation. In matters uncertain and difficult, we encourage study and discussion. In all things, we acknowledge our limitations as humans, and the possibility that we could be wrong.
This course of action is not the easiest path to take; it requires a great deal of personal study, and a large dose of humility and forebearance as we grow together. But we are convinced that it is the best approach to learning and doing the will of God in our generation. We invite others to share with us in this endeavor.